Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Madressah

12/29/2022 - 1 minute read


SEND Madrasah
The purpose of the SEND madrasah is to offer an Islamic education to children who have not had the opportunity to attend mainstream madrasah.

We firmly believe that all individuals deserve equal treatment and respect, regardless of any disabilities they may have. We strongly uphold the right of every person to receive an education, and to be valued and included in society.

These values are not just our own, but are rooted in the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), who twice entrusted the leadership of the city of Madinah to a blind man. We believe that every person is unique and special, and we strive to ensure that no one is left behind.

The Curriculum
The curriculum at the SEND madrasah includes both Qur’an Studies and Islamic Studies. Each session includes dedicated time for both subjects.

Qur’an Studies are taught using traditional materials, supplemented with additional resources that may assist the child’s learning.

The curriculum for Islamic Studies has been carefully designed by the manager to include topics such as Fiqh, Ahadith, Aqaid, Akhlaq, and Adaab, with the goal of helping students develop an Islamic identity.
The curriculum also includes the kalimas and duas that students are expected to learn.

To enrol your child, contact us or send an email.